Newton Medical

First aid training for your business. Newton Medical Ltd. offers Corporate First Aid Training in Peterborough and Nottingham.

Employers Legislation

Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Legislation

The Approved Code of Practice and Guidance issued by the HSE, highlights the duty of all employers to provide adequate first aid cover for employees who are injured or become ill at work. Recent Government Legislation has accelerated the need for companies to focus on their individual needs and to ensure provision of a robust First Aid strategy within your Organisation.

As a consequence of the legislation set out by the Health and Safety Executive, the requirement to provide First Aid in your business has been given a much higher profile. Employers have both a moral and a legal obligation to provide their staff with First Aid Training.

Employers need to consider the following when deciding what provision of first aid cover to provide.

  • Workplace hazards and risks
  • The size of the organisation
  • The organisation's history of accidents
  • The nature and distribution of the workforce
  • The remoteness of the site from emergency medical services
  • The needs of travelling, remote and lone workers
  • Employees working on shared or multi-occupied sites
  • Annual leave and other absences of first aiders and appointed persons

The Health and Safety Executive sets out these recommendations to reduce the effects of injury or illness suffered at work; either caused by the work itself or by some factor outside the employer's control. First Aid provision must be 'adequate and appropriate in the circumstances'.

For further information please check your Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 approved code of practice and guidance.